Hybrid Animal Ceramic Sculptures 2021
The sculptures on this page are made of high fire black clay and are coated with black under glaze and butcher’s wax. They are each inspired by a combination (hybrid) of four-legged animals including dogs, horses, bulls and coyotes. The sculptural approach is informed by ancient Greek and Egyptian forms including the simplification, abstraction and idealization of natural forms. These were created in 2021 on Cape Cod during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“H-Animal 1” 2021 (right view)
Black Clay, Wax
6.5” w x 4” h x 1.5”d
“H-Animal 1” 2021 (left view)
Black Clay, Wax
6.5” w x 4” h x 1.5”d
“H-Animal 2” 2021 (right view)
Black Clay, Wax
6.5” w x 4” h x 1.5”d
“H-Animal 2 “ 2021 (left view)
Black Clay, Wax
6.5” w x 4” h x 1.5”d
“H-Animal 3” 2021 (right view)
Black Clay, Wax
6.5” w x 3.5” h x 1.5” d
“H-Animal 4” 2021 (right view)
Black Clay, Wax
4.5” w x 3” h x 1.5”
“H-Animal 3” 2021 (left view)
Black Clay, Wax
6.5” w x 3.5” h x 1.5” d
“H-Animal 4” 2021 (left view)
Black Clay, Wax
4.5” w x 3” h x 1.5”